The Protocol

Our medically developed weight loss protocol and smarter lifestyle choices education offers dieters what they really want…a structured program that can put an end to constant dieting.


About us page 2

Achieve the Weight Loss Results You Want and Deserve

For thousands of North Americans burning extra calories is a struggle. It’s why you may begin to consider drastic solutions to get results – fad diets, pills, surgery or those weird fitness gadgets on infomercials that promise rapid results. Many of these solutions sound too good to be true…can you really have rapid weight loss results?

The Good – Stable weight loss results are possible. They can even be sensible given the right program. (click here to discover a weight loss method with over 10 years of success – Ideal Protein)

The Bad – Rapid weight loss will not lead to long term successful weight management without a balanced lifestyle education and your commitment to better well being. (Call now to unlock the secret to Ideal Protein’s post diet weight stabilization – 843-856-8888)

The Ugly – You risk regaining your lost weight if you lose muscle while dieting and don’t have the knowledge to develop better eating habits and smarter lifestyle choices after dieting (contact a Long Point Family Chiropractic representative now and begin your weight management education)

Personalized Weight Loss Coaching is Only a Phone Call Away

Pick up the phone and give us a call 843-856-8888, we’ll help you to achieve your weight loss goals and teach you to live at a stable weight!

Long Point Family Chiropractic has been serving the healthcare needs of the greater Charleston area since 2007. We have dedicated our lives to fixing the underlying problems of our patients through safe, natural and highly effective methods. Our goal is improve our patient’s well being to an optimized level through chiropractic care, massage therapy, nutritional support and weight loss protocols.

Find out how Ideal Protein can help you lose weight, while teaching you  smarter lifestyle strategies to ensure you maintain a stable weight. 843-856-8888


Long Point Family Chiropractic is Authorized to Use the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Protocol and Products. The testimonials on this website are those of the individual that is identified, you should not necessarily expect to receive these results. Typical results vary from person to person and individual to individual when the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Protocol is followed properly. You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other diet program to determine if it is right for your needs.

498 Wando Park Blvd Suite 350 Mount Pleasant SC 29464 – Phone: 843-856-8888
Copyright © 2018 Ideal Protein All rights reserved.